The mountain town of Queenstown, New Zealand, is known as the adventure capital of New Zealand and maybe the world. It’s a small place with a hip and rugged Park City, Utah, vibe that caters to tourists, especially adrenaline junkies. Shop names like NZ Shred and Vertigo give you an idea of what’s on offer. Many of the employees I talked with come here from America just for the summer months.
I did something in Queenstown that I’ve always wanted to do: hang gliding. I’ve wanted to do it since I first saw people hang gliding on television as a kid, and that overcast day in Queenstown was my chance.
Friends, it did not disappoint.
The Prep
I went out in the morning, having arranged for my trip the day before by popping into a storefront advertising hang gliding and para gliding excursions. A company driver took me, a Canadian guy who was also hang gliding, and his wife (who wasn’t) in a van to Coronet Peak, about 20 minutes outside of town, where we were met by our tandem buddies—experienced gliders who would take us out. My tandem buddy was Gucci, a Frenchman who has been doing this for twelve years. He set up the hang glider while another guy gave me gear: plastic pants to put on over my jeans, a harness that was padded on the front, and a helmet. With all the gear on, I looked like an overturned turtle. Oh well.

Gucci gave me a three-minute tutorial on what to do, then he dragged the glider to the edge of the launch point, attached our harnesses to it with carabiners, and told me to hold onto his harness tightly. I was to run down the slope until I reached a particular rock, at which point I would pull my feet up and extend them straight out behind me. Seemed simple enough.
The Launch

Gucci and I stood side-by-side under the glider’s wings at the edge of the hill, his hands gripping the metal bar that steered the glider. I grasped his harness with both hands and we started running down the slope. Within seconds—before we even reached the designated rock—the wind caught us and we were flying!
It was the most incredible feeling in the world. Freedom and fear and amazement and a rush of adrenaline and feeling cushioned by the wind under the glider’s wings. We soared over treetops with wide views of the farmland and mountains below and around us. Although I could technically have plunged to my death at any time, I felt secure in my harness, the glider felt secure on the current, and I knew Gucci was in-control.
The Ride

The ride lasted about ten minutes. It was mostly tame flying—gradually approaching the ground—but in the last few minutes, Gucci asked me if I wanted to do some fun maneuvers. Yes, please! He angled the hang glider upwards until we stalled, then pointed it downwards and we were in free fall until our wings caught the wind again. Yikes! My stomach lurched and I screamed involuntarily at the thrill of the sensation. He veered the glider off to the right and left at various angles, taking us in a circle. It was exhilarating and, dare I say it, magical. I was flying!
Finally, I noticed the ground getting much closer and then we were landing on our bellies on a big grass lawn in the foothills. The glider rolled to a stop and we unhitched ourselves from the frame. I stood up, not quite believing what I had just experienced. It was over far too quickly. I really wanted to go back up and do it again!
I could get all existential here about flying and gravity and overcoming fears (not that I was really afraid of it, but many are) and taking chances and following your dreams, all of which would make you weep with the deep meaning of it all. But really, this experience was simply the coolest thing I’ve ever done.
2 Responses
That looks awesome! How did you get such detailed pics while “flying?”
Engaging Adventure
Thanks, Natalie! Gucci had a GoPro camera attached to the end of a long pole that was attached to the glider–like a giant selfie stick. He moved it around while we flew, snapping pictures every few seconds, and I think some video too. At the end, I was able to buy the camera’s SD card from him for an additional fee, which of course I did. It was such an amazing experience I wanted to have a record of it!